Master Series Accounting
View the Features of our Master Series
Master Series was designed for Accounting Professionals. Since 1979, DASI has designed, developed, and produced software for processing accounting data for you the Accounting Professional. DASI's Master Series for Business takes care of your back office business and lets you manage your business. The software is easy to install and setup, and it runs in all versions of Windows! It is a single entry system where you only enter the information once. Additionally, it's inexpensive and offers a great Help Desk that is based in America!
If you've always wanted a better way to run your business, take a look at Hamelin Software's DASI Master Series!
Who is the software for?

- Retailers
- Wholesalers
- Manufacturer's Reps
- Accounting Services
- Many More Industries Too numerous to list
Program Features
- Full implementation of security for privacy of data
- Multiple Terminal and Multi-company simultaneous data file access
- Pervasive SQL Server compatible
- Selective accounts payable aging reports
- Selective cash requirements report
- Invoice entry routine checks for duplicate invoices on a number of criteria by vendor
- Add G/L account numbers, vendors without leaving invoice input
- Automatic calculation of trade discounts and invoice due date
- Supports many selectable checking accounts
- Checks on Demand for COD's
- Standard Checkwriter, Preview Checkwriter for your special pay and cash flow requirements
- Check formatting for blank check stock (hint: 1 box of check forms for all your bank accounts) or pre-printed stock
- Bank Reconcilement
- Preparation of 1099 tax forms
- Interfaces with: payroll, general ledger, estimating, inventory, purchase orders
- Reports to screen or printer and exports to various formats including xls, pdf, text
- Full screen editing
- Many more features not shown
Associated Application Specific Features
- General Ledger
- Previous years availability for budget/actual comparison reports
- Close/Re-open months
- Reverse/Duplicate sessions posted in error to wrong period or year
- Departmental Profit and Loss Statements individual and grouped
- Transaction import from third party software systems
- Departmental Grouping
- Budgeting/Actual Comparisons within current or previous years
- Chart of Accounts GRID format for bulk changes
- Multi-company combined reports
- Automatic Transaction posting
- Payroll
- Check formatting for blank check stock (hint: 1 box of check forms for all your bank accounts)
- Pre-printed check stock available in several formats and colors
- Printer Jam? Check reprint option without affecting G/L or Pay History, or tax reporting
- Writer's cramp from check signing? Secure digital signature for automatic signing option
- Direct Deposit NACHA file generation (split to 4 accounts in any bank), optional email statements to employees
- Salaried employees keyed in data input only once until income or deductions change
- Tax reports preparation-941, 940, W-2s, UCT
- Departmentalized employees for accurate departmental costing
- Transaction import from third party software systems
- 401K, 403B, Cafeteria 125, HSA accounting
- Magnetic Media generation for tax reporting
- Local, State, and Federal Tax table capability
- Job Cost Labor burden optionally split to separate cost accounts
The Master Series also has available other accounting modules to complement and fully integrate with it. They include, General Ledger, Payroll, Accounts Receivable, Purchase Orders, Equipment Costing, and Inventory Requisitions!
Please visit our Inquiries page to request more information or to purchase.