Customer Support

Support Via Email

DOS and Windows Support:


Here you can download our software updates, or demos, when provided the access User ID and Password. If you do not know the User ID or password, or your password has changed (password changes automatically at the beginning of each month) please contact Hamelin Software Technical Support at the above link and request the current User ID and password.

Access Our Secure Download Site

Training Desk

Access Our DASI Tutorial Site

Help Desk

If you have a technical question, procedure that needs further explanation, program error, or anything of concern, please fill out in the information request form below and e-mail that to our Tech Support Team. Be sure and check off which method you prefer to be contacted by. Our Internet system checks for e-mail every 5 minutes.

Year End Procedures

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

  Answer my question by email.

  FAX me the answer.



